Saturday, January 31, 2015

Ladies Morning

Michelle and I ran the Track Shack Ladies 5k this morning, and both did a pretty good job, much better than last year!  It was a sold out race, which meant over 3,000 bodies crammed into tiny residential streets in Winter Park for the beginning, but all and all a great race!  Seth and Cole ran the kids race and cheetah Cole came in third.  Seth was too busy high 5ing all the spectators to worry about speed!
Can we rock a tutu or what?

Cheetah Cole on the move!

Slow but steady Seth

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Holy Shit, We Ran A Marathon!!

Adam and I are official marathon finishers!  We ran the Walt Disney World Marathon (yep, all 26.2 miles of it!) on Sunday, and are super happy to say we survived!  It was really neat running through all 4 Disney Parks, as well as the Richard Petty track and all the fields at Wide World of Sports.  I finished with a time of 6:11:38, Adam finished with a time of 6:42:07.  There were over 26,000 runners that started the race, but only 19,970 finishers.  I finished 13,572 and Adam finished 16,445, so totally not even last!!  We are both pretty sore, but really surprised how good we feel, overall.
Here we go!
Passing through Hollywood Studios

Running the bases at Wide World of Sports 

Smiling on the course is always good!
Am I almost done?

Hey!  This could possibly be the best day ever!
26.2 miles in those ears!

Crossing the Finish Line!
Look at those medals!
You sure did!

Me too!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Meet Brooks!

The new year has brought us a new addition!!  Meet Brooks:
Hi, nice to meet you!

He is a 1 year old long haired Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix, and such a cutie!  He weighs in at a whopping 6.4 lbs., and is such a tiny little guy he can't even jump up onto the beds!  He loves following me around the house and going for walks, he is very happy to lounge about and eat treats, and has been giving the lizard hanging out in our house a workout!  He spends his time while we are away in his crate, and is so excited to play when we get home!  Come by and meet our new little guy!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Big Designer!

Seth has been taking a Source Code writing class at the Orlando Science Center for the past few months, he loves it!  We just found out that the movie he made was voted into be shown at Otronicon next weekend, how cool!!  Otronicon is a celebration of interactive technology that takes place each January at Orlando Science Center. It offers a glimpse into the future and a demonstration of how interactive technology will impact how we work, learn and play. At Otronicon, guests walk on the cutting edge through state of the art video games, digital media, digital art, and workshops – not to mention military and medical simulators typically not available to the public.  So proud of our little computer nerd!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!

We started out the new year running!  Adam, Seth and I ran the Flamingo 5k in NSB again this year, what a fun way to kick off the new year!  I set a new PR with a time of 29:54, now THAT'S how you start the year!  There were 415 runners, I finished 155th, Adam finished 237th and Seth came in 385th. Sadly, we didn't win a bike this year, but we figure if we did it every year they'de kick us out!  We are ready to go for the WDW marathon next week!