Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gobble Gobble, Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving, ran 2 races so we could eat extra turkey!  Adam, Seth, Pop Pop and I ran the NSB Turkey Beach Run on Thanksgiving morning, we had lots of fun and Adam and I both set PR's for a 5k, not bad!  Then Adam and I ran the Run to the Sun 4 miler on Saturday, over the south bridge into NSB and the drawbridge back. Note to us:  bridge running is HARD!  But we made it through. Just about 6 more weeks before we tackle the marathon, I totally think we'll be ready!
Pop Pop, Adam, Seth and Me, Gobble Gobble!
One More Medal for the Wall!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Mostly Moved In, Almost No Injuries

Well, we are moved into the new abode, though I think we will be unpacking boxes for a few weeks yet. The only casualty of the move was my head, had a slight tumble off a ladder which was broken by the edge of the kitchen counter!  Nothing like a trip to the ER to grind unpacking to a halt!  5 stitches and an hour and a half later and we were back to work.  Hope everyone will be able to stop by the new place and say hi!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Candytron activate

Seth's Candytron costume was a big hit for Halloween, it was absolutely all a 10 year old Dell computer is good for!