Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Busy Last Week!

We had a busy week last week!  We visited Animal Kingdom with Mellissa's fam, Seth and cousin Austin had a great time together.  We went to the LeBlorr and Reptar show at The Social on Saturday, which was awesome, a super fun night we spent with Matt and Seth's Kindergarten teacher, Lindsay.  We had a whole 2 hours of sleep after the show before we got up to do the Koman Walk for the Cure Sunday morning, but we made it the whole 5k, it only took us an hour!  We visited Phineas & Ferb at Downtown Disney on Wednesday, then headed right back to House of Blues on Thursday to see Zeale, Imagine Dragons & AWOLNATION, they all killed it, a really awesome show!  We can't wait to see ID again in December!  Whew, we may need a vacation after this vacation!  Here are a few pics:

Seth & Austin Seeking

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Le Blorr Performing
Reptar Performing

Matt and LC

Le Blorr Guy & LC

Zeale Performing

Imagine Dragons Performing

Monday, October 8, 2012

What Exactly Does the Cray Button Do?

Check out the FF5 boys getting all DubStep and junk.  Seth asks every time this song comes on in the car, "What exactly DOES the Cray button do?"  Now we know!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Metric was The Tits!

The Metric show at Hard Rock was DOPE!  They may be the best sounding live band we have ever seen, their sound was awesome!  Check out their rendition of "Gimme Sympathy" compliments of .