Merry Christmas! Check out Seth breaking in his new drums! Enjoy!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sk8er Boi, Christmas 2011
Check out Seth breaking in those new skates! I think we def need to open the knee and elbow pads next! Yikes!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Now THAT'S My Kind of Christmas Carol, Ya'll
Is there anything those Family boys can't make better? I can think of no better way to get into the holiday spirit than rocking into the holidays like this! Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Let's Use Some Judgement, People!
So, Adam and I went to The Next Big Thing in Tampa this weekend, it was an all day concert at the Tampa Fairgrounds put on by a local radio station. It was pretty sweet, we saw Bush, A Day To Remember, Taking Back Sunday, Cage The Elephant, Foster The People, Young The Giant, Manchester Orchestra, Sublime, Khora, The Joy Formidable Grouplove, Sleeper Agent, Fun & Awolnation. With the exception of Sleeper Agent (terrible) and Sublime (no one wants to hear your crappy new stoner music, play Santaria or get off the stage), they were all pretty good. We were there mainly for Awolnation, which may be Adam and Seth's new favorite band (sadly, Seth stayed home with Wicky Rabbit, we feel he is still too young for the rock scene quite yet), and were able to get right up front for them. But here's the thing, and be forewarned this is where the old person rant starts, what the hell is wrong with people? I am all for rocking out and having a killer time, and if you have no objection to a bunch of strangers groping you and you want to crowd surf, you go for it, but can I just say there should be some rules? For all you kids out there who are planning to partake of this at the next show you go to, here are Adam and Mellissa's rules for Crowd Surfing:
1) Assess the crowd: if it is full of skinny little college girls, maybe this is not a crowd surfing kind of event;
2) If you are over 150 lbs, maybe you should not be depending on a bunch of strangers to hold you over their heads and transport you anywhere safely;
3) If you are wearing combat boots, maybe jumping into a crowd and having your feet flailing near peoples heads is not a totally safe idea;
4) Why you would go to a concert barefoot is beyond me, but if you do, why do you think I want your dirty hippie feet near my head?;
5) People are there to see the show, not be your personal crowd surfing moving walkway. If you want to crowd surf, do it once maybe twice, and call it a day. I don't need to pass the same fat, pink haired girl over my head 6 times during the same song. I'm glad your having fun and all, but give it a rest and let someone else have a turn. I bet you hogged the slide when you were a kid too, didn't you, chubsy?;
6) Take heed if the singer of the band announces that he is going to crowd surf, because if he dives into the crowd he is totally gonna get dibs, that crowd is going to drop your ass (happened during Cage the Elephant, and it was hilarious, that poor little girl straight up disappeared onto the floor).
Just Saying. Rant over :)
1) Assess the crowd: if it is full of skinny little college girls, maybe this is not a crowd surfing kind of event;
2) If you are over 150 lbs, maybe you should not be depending on a bunch of strangers to hold you over their heads and transport you anywhere safely;
3) If you are wearing combat boots, maybe jumping into a crowd and having your feet flailing near peoples heads is not a totally safe idea;
4) Why you would go to a concert barefoot is beyond me, but if you do, why do you think I want your dirty hippie feet near my head?;
5) People are there to see the show, not be your personal crowd surfing moving walkway. If you want to crowd surf, do it once maybe twice, and call it a day. I don't need to pass the same fat, pink haired girl over my head 6 times during the same song. I'm glad your having fun and all, but give it a rest and let someone else have a turn. I bet you hogged the slide when you were a kid too, didn't you, chubsy?;
6) Take heed if the singer of the band announces that he is going to crowd surf, because if he dives into the crowd he is totally gonna get dibs, that crowd is going to drop your ass (happened during Cage the Elephant, and it was hilarious, that poor little girl straight up disappeared onto the floor).
Just Saying. Rant over :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Noise was pretty sweet!
Hey all, The Noise tour was awesome, You Me At Six was the bomb! Check out some video below:
The Make:
You Me At Six:
We Are the In Crowd:
Mayday Parade:
The Make:
You Me At Six:
We Are the In Crowd:
Mayday Parade:
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Family Force 5 Baby!
So, the FF5 show last night was AWESOME!!! The 808'ers were the opening band, they were very similar to FF5. A striking resemblance really :) The Family boys played an awesome set list, we def got our Wobble on! Chapstique went through the crowd and climbed up on the bar to play at one point, and we were right in front of him, which was sick. Matt is also able to report that when he went to the bathroom between the end of the set and the encore, Crouton came in to pee in the stall and had a broken stream. He told Matt, "Don't judge me." Funny shit right there! If they are coming to your town on this It's All Gold tour I highly recommend going, it was a fun night! Below are a few videos compliments of striker32003, enjoy!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Finally Fall!
Well, we got our "cold" front for this year, though for all you northerners I imagine 68 is not terribly cold; we'll take it though, anything to turn the air off! We are preparing for Halloween, Seth picked out his costume this week, he will be going as Obi Wan Kenobi. Who would have thought a costume that was popular when we were 5 would still be all the rage now?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Old Folks Home - The Whitest Kids U'Know on IFC
Check out a clip from one of our new favorite shows!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Punk Pop Lives!
The Punk Pop Lives show last night at HOB was awesome! Check out some video of New Found Glory doing "I'm Not The One" and Set Your Goals doing "Goonies Never Say Die". Enjoy!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Green Meadow Farm, October 2011
Hey all, here is a slide show of Seth's field trip to Green Meadow Farm today, enjoy!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Fall In the Air?
Holy crap, I turned off the air today!! Can it really be that Fall is coming?! Fingers crossed!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Seth at the Peep Show
So, the other day Seth told me, "Mommy, I'm going to watch a peep show." I was like, um, one more time? Turns out a peep show is a video with baby chickens, which are officially called Peeps. Who knew?
Friday, September 23, 2011
Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks - House of Blues Orlando
The Foster the People show at HOB was AWESOME, here is video of the encore performance. Enjoy!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Set It Off: Breathe In, Breathe Out [Official Music Video]
Hey, check these guys out, we saw them in June with Breathe Electric and again at Warped, they put on a killer show. And yes, we are very nearly old enough to be their parents.
Monday, August 22, 2011
First Day of Kindergarten
Friday, August 12, 2011
Quiet Baby!
We went to dinner the other night, and there was a baby crying intermittently at the table 4 away from us. Seth was working diligently on colouring his place mat and told us, "That baby is too loud, I can't concentrate". I told him, "Maybe you should go over and ask the baby to quiet down", at which point he stood up in the booth, leaned across the table and yelled, "Quiet Baby!" On the plus side, the baby did stopped crying. Not embarrassing at all.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Luau Pics
Hey all, here are a few pics from the Luau. You can also check out Don's Flickr page for all the Warped and Luau pics he took Don's Pics
Seth Playing Croquet:
Adam & Mellissa:
Cole & Seth in the Pool:
Seth Playing Croquet:
Adam & Mellissa:
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Breathe Carolina @ THE SOCIAL - ORLANDO FL
We had an awesome time at the Scream It Like You Mean It tour last night (no lie, what it's called). The BC boys put on a kick ass show, and the crowd as awesome, now THAT is how you act at a punk show, dammit! Here is the encore performance of "Diamonds", the sound is a bit rough.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Warped Tour Survivors
We had oodles of fun at Warped, it was super hot and there was no shade, but we did survive with plenty of beer, water, and shaved ice, and none of us are extra crispy from the sun. The youth was quite cordial, no one called us old, and The Ready Set merch kid gave me mad props for "being there for the music, not the signings" when I told him I didn't need the pass to jump the line for the signing when I bought my shirt, it was hilarious. Here are a few pics (click on them to big them up), and there are a few videos in previous posts:
The Big Board, all the Acts & Times (we made it to August Burns Red, Set It Off, The Wonder Years, a hot second of Black Veil Brides, Go Radio, The Ready Set, Family Force 5, Every Avenue, Gym Class Heroes, Stephan Jerzak & Less Than Jake:
Don & Alex outside the Go Radio Tent:

Alex & Mellissa in front of Set It Off performing:
Black Veil Brides performing:
Adam and Mellissa with their vices, beer and shaved ice, before Go Radio:
Grieves performing:
Gym Class Heroes performing:
The Ready Set performing:
Don, Mellissa & Adam chillin':
Family Force 5 with their bad ass balloons:
Soul Glow Activatur from Family Force 5 in his bubble performing:
Less Than Jake performing:
The Big Board, all the Acts & Times (we made it to August Burns Red, Set It Off, The Wonder Years, a hot second of Black Veil Brides, Go Radio, The Ready Set, Family Force 5, Every Avenue, Gym Class Heroes, Stephan Jerzak & Less Than Jake:
Alex & Mellissa in front of Set It Off performing:
Warped Tour 2011 The Ready Set Performance
Here is The Ready Set performing More Than Alive at Warped. They were pretty awesome live, cool to hear with a whole band!
Warped Tour 2011 Family Force 5
Here is Family Force 5 at Warped Tour, the sound here is not awesome, but they were super sick, worth the price of admission for them alone!
Warped Tour 2011 Family Force 5 Soul Glow Activatur Bubble Performance
This was quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen up close! This is Soul Glow Activatur from Family Force 5 performing. In a bubble. With Hulk hands on. AWESOME!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Visits With the Fam
We had a lovely 4th of July this year, went to NSB and visited with Adam's sister and her family who were here from Reno, NV. Here are a few pics of the fun:
Jordan taking a break from the waters:
Jordan, Seth & Parker posing on the beach:
Grennan watching fireworks:
Parker, Adam & Seth feeding alligators:
Seth, Uncle Ashley & Jordan playing in the ocean:
Jordan taking a break from the waters:
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Graduation Pics
Seth Graduated on Friday from PreK, it was quite the production! They had a party at school on Thursday, and even had a chocolate fountain! Another mother leaned over and said to me, "Really, a chocolate fountain for PreK graduation? I never had a chocolate fountain in PreK, I don't think I had one at my wedding!" There was much crying, but he did quite well, here are a few pics:
Anthony, Tyler, Seth & Jake
Jacob, Abby & Seth

Seth & Jacob

Seth receiving his diploma
Anthony, Tyler, Seth & Jake
Jacob, Abby & Seth
Seth & Jacob
Seth receiving his diploma
Claning Out!
Hello all, we are cleaning out the house, mostly of our vast library of books and all things baby related. Take a look at our Ebay page, we have tons of stuff listed and continue to list more every few days. Also, you can check out our Flickr page, we are going to have a garage sale next month for the big baby items that don’t go for local pick up on Ebay, pics of most of them are on the Flickr page. Not pictured yet is Seth’s crib, but we are going o list it, sans mattress. Please pass these links on to anyone you know who may be interested in anything, or let me know if you are interested in anything, I’ll cut you a deal J . Thanks!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Flat Stanley In TN
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Introducing Flat Stanley
We have a new addition at our house, meet Flat Stanley. He went on his first foray out and about to the annual Pig Roast this weekend, check out all the fun her had:
Sleeping with Seth
Posing with Mummy
Posing with Seth and Augie

Chillin with Grammy
Looking at the Pirate Rules

Tomorrow we leave for our trip to TN, check back to see what Stanley gets up to there!
Sleeping with Seth
Chillin with Grammy
Tomorrow we leave for our trip to TN, check back to see what Stanley gets up to there!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Steller Parenting
So, Seth has had a stomach virus, which we are trying to cure before we go to TN on Monday. The doctor suggested only mild foods (bananas, rice, oatmeal, etc) and gave us a medicine that gets dissolved in water for a few days. So, for dinner tonight Adam and I had left over pizza and Seth got Oatmeal and medicine water. You know you are a good parent when you utter the words, "No I won't share my pizza, eat your oatmeal and drink your medicine water." I'm sure the therapy bills will be small :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Kids These Days!
Okay, so Adam and I went to see a bunch of bands last night at HOB (FTSK, Breathe Carolina, Tonight Alive, We Are The In Crowd, Before Their Eyes & Shut Up and Dance), and granted we were the oldest people there to actually see the bands (there were older people, but they were clearly there just as someone's ride), but WTF, half of the time the kids in the house didn't even move, just stood there and filmed the show with their camera phones! How the hell can you go to a concert, where actual music is being played, and be that disinterested? Is this just the YouTube generation of not wanting to get caught on camera doing something stupid that instead you do nothing?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Forever the Sickest Seth
Check out Adam and Seth rocking out to F.T.S.K.'s "King for a Day" and playing Wii. Yeah, that's how we roll :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Adam is Getting Old...
Today is Adam's birthday, and round about 2:00 pm he uttered the oldest man words of all time,"I am either going to take a nap or play me some golf"
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Come With?
Sooo, Adam and I are totally going to the Warped Tour this summer, we are planning to have the Luau the next day, so if anyone is interested in coming a day early and going to the concert, the more the merrier!! Tickets go on sale April 1, here is the link Vans Warped tour 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Happy Spring!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Soooo, I get a call from school today informing me that Seth was involved in some "inappropriate conduct" with a little girl in his class, apparently there was some touchy feely during circle time. Really, this is something you have to deal with at 5 now? Adam was glad it was a girl, at least. Not the most fun conversation with school administration. Can you say awkward?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My New Favorite Band
Okay, so I know this is totally aimed at the high school set, but I totally dig Never Shout Never. Check out their cute videos below, I totally dig the snail/salt war!:
Thursday, February 10, 2011
According to Seth...
Hevus, where Jebus lives, is a far, far away alien planet.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Just for the record, if a child vomits in a sleeping bag in a tent while he sleeps, the result is an awful smelly mess!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I have such a hip kid, as I sit his highly nutritious dinner of pizza rolls and pears in front of him, his reply is "sweet".
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Happy New Year all!! We spent this weekend being very ecological and green, mostly inspired by leftover holiday liquor. Apparently the sight of an undecorated Christmas tree was too much for Adam, Matt & Randy to take, all boozed up as they were, and they all decided the best use of said tree was christening our shiny new fire pit! Let me report that evergreen burns BIG and HOT, and Adam only caught his sock on fire once! It is also quite pungent and smelly, as it took us 2 hair washings to rid our hair of the stench. Eck! Below are some pics of the inaugural burn:
Matt, Randy & Seth toasting marshmallows

Pretty Fire!
Matt, Randy & Seth toasting marshmallows
Pretty Fire!
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